
der letzte sieg einer generation / the last victory of a generation

the uk poll tax riots were a series of riots in british cities during protests against the community charge -commonly known as the poll tax- introduced by the conservative government led by prime minister margaret thatcher. by far the largest occurred in central london on saturday, the 31st of march, 1990, shortly before the poll tax was due to come into force in england and wales. it is thought that the riot in central london, with the countrywide opposition to the community charge  -especially vehement in the north of england and scotland- contributed to the downfall of margaret thatcher, who resigned as prime minister in november the same year. the next prime minister, john major, announced it would be abolished.

* unfortunately, the english version of the lyrics is not always correct. for a much better translation: http://lyricstranslate.com/en/wenn-es-passiert-when-if-it-happens.html

*  bonus: the official video

wir sind helden - wenn es passiert (von hier an blind)

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